Prime Minister's Shield Competition
The Prime Minister of India has been pleased to permit the Bharat Scouts and Guides to initiate a competition on an All-India level and permit award of Prime Minister's Shields to the units winning the competition.

The purpose of instituting the competition is to make an effort to motivate the Scouts and Guides of the country to play their useful role in the service of the nation and in the movement, by taking up concrete service project. It is hoped that Scout and Guide units in the country will involve themselves in their programme in the same spirit.
The competition will cover the period from 1st July every year to 30th June of the succeeding year.
- The competition will be held in four subjects and is open to all Scout Troop, Guide Companies in the country. All members of these units will participate in the project set for each subject and achieve definite results.
- The competition will be held separately for the Scout and Guide wings of the Movement.
- The State Association will give wide publicity to this programme among their units intending to participate in it by filling the Registration forms which may be obtained from the State Headquarters.
The state will be eligible to compete on the basis of the following rules:
The minimum requirements of participants at the State level will be:
- Minimum of 2 competing districts.
- A competing district is one which registers at least two (2) Units.
The units will be registered for the competition at the National Headquarters on receipt of the application forms duly forwarded by the State Association along with a registration fee Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten Only) per unit. Registration at NHQ must be completed before the end of May, i.e. one month before the commencement of the succeeding period. The NHQ will then register the units for the competition and issue the Log Books to the states for the states for onward transmission to the units registered. Know more...
UpaRastrapati Award Competition
The Vice-President of India has been pleased to permit the Bharat Scouts and Guides to initiate a competition on an All-India Level and permit award award of Vice-President's Merit certificate to the Units winning the competition.
The Purpose of instituting the competition is to make an effort to motivate the Rovers and Rangers of the country to play their useful role in serving the community and the Movement by taking up concrete community service and community development projects.
The competition will cover the period from 1st July every year to 30th April of the succeeding year.
- The competition will be held in three categories and is open to all Rover Crews and Ranger Team in the country. All members of these units will participate cumulatively in the project set for each category and achieve definite results.
- The competition will be held separately for the Rover and Ranger section of the Movement.
- The Rover Crews and Ranger Team will participate in all the three categories prescribed for this competition.
- The State Association will give wide publicity to this programme among their units and invite application from the units intending to participate in it by filling the Registration forms which may be obtained from the State Headquarters.
The Units will be registered for the competition to the National Headquarters on receipt of the application forms duly forwarded by the State Association along with a registration fee of Rs.10/-(Rupees Ten only) per unit. Registration at National Headquarters must be done before the end of April.
The National Headquarters will then register the unit for the competition and issue the Log Books to the State for onward transmission of the units registered. Know more...