Awards and Recognition
for Youth
Golden Arrow for Cubs and Bulbuls

A Chaturth Charan Cub/ Heerak Pankh Bulbul having earned totally six proficiency badges, one badge each in Tritiya Charan/Swarna Pankh and Chaturth Charan/ Heerak Pankh, remaining four badges to be earned from the proficiency badge groups not earned earlier. He/she may be awarded a special badge called “Golden Arrow” before completing ten years of age. The Badge will be on blue background with golden border with a prominent golden arrow with Bharat Scout and Guides Emblem in the center.
The Golden Arrow Badge shall be worn on the center of the left sleeve. Golden Arrow badge is presented by the President of Bharat Scouts and Guides along with the certificate signed by the Chief National Commissioner.
The Chief National Commissioner is the final authority to grant golden arrow badge and certificate on recommendation from the State Chief Commissioner. Know more...
Rajya Puraskar Badge consists of the emblem of the Bharat Scouts & Guides at the bottom, the Ashoka Chakra at the top, and word ‘SEVA’ in Devanagari script in the center surrounded by a laurel.
Scouts / Guides who have already earned the qualifying Badges will have to attend a Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp organized by the State Association under the supervision of the State Organizing Commissioner(S) where the knowledge and skills of the Scout will be retested after being qualified in the State testing Camp, the Scout / Guides will be eligible for the award of Rajya Puraskar Badge and Certificate.
This award is presented by the Governor or Patron/President of the State Association on the recommendation of State Chief Commissioner and can be withdrawn under compelling circumstances by State Chief Commissioner.

The President of the Indian Union has been graciously pleased to issue a special
certificate to eligible Scout/ Guide/ Rover/ Ranger who qualifies the President Scout/ Guide/
Rover/ Ranger Certificate Examination after serving as a Rajya Puraskar
Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger for at least twelve months (one year).
The Chief National Commissioner shall issue suitable directives from time to time with
respect to badge, tests, syllabus etc. and ensure the standard of skills involved. Know more...
Registration From for Rashtrapati Award
OBJECTIVE: -BSG Social Media Icon Award will be presented to the members of this organization by the National Headquarters as per the decision taken by the National Executive Committee to motivate and encourage them for their special contribution towards the promotion of BSG and its activities on several social media platforms.
- To motivate and encourage young people to develop their involvement in scouting and guiding activities.
- To encourage the members to share their scouting and guiding activities on social media.
- To enhance the visibility and reach of the movement to the non-scouts.
- To highlight the movement with the support of young people and leaders through their activities of BSG. Know more...
OUTSTANDING SCOUTS / GUIDES OF THE BSG AWARD is to give due recognition to our Scouts and Guides, who best epitomize good moral character, have maintained academic excellence and demonstrated sterling qualities of leadership in the institution and community.
The call is for the nomination and selection of outstanding Scouts Guides in states aimed at enhancing the image and visibility of Scouting Guiding as an educational movement and to emphasize its impact and effectiveness in the holistic development of the young people.
The Scouts/Guides aged between 14 to 17 years and should be at least Rajya Puraskar Scout/ Rajya Puraskar Guide is eligible for the award. The competition is conducted at District, State, Regional and National Levels. Selection at Unit/ Institution Level is also encouraged for greater involvement of more Scouts and Guides. There is a selection committee at all levels. A maximum of 06 Scouts and 06 Guides selected at National Level and declared as “OUTSTANDING SCOUTS /GUIDES OF THE BSG". Know more...

- The BSG Film Festival is an opportunity to amplify/project the work that members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides is doing to make our world a better place.
- There is no single theme, but there must be clearly an identifiable connection to the movement in the films.
- By way of guidance, topics could include the way Scouts & Guides, Rovers & Rangers are implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in areas such as the environment, climate change or gender equality, the culture and practice of dialogue for peace including their work in connection with Mahatma 150.
- The Scouts & Guides, Rovers & Rangers who make communities safer through their work in emergency preparedness, response and humanitarian advocacy as well as the life of a Scout, Guide, Rover, Ranger in the 21st century. Know more...
To inspire and motivate young people, adult leaders and the State Associations as a whole in undertaking more community oriented activities and create impact of Scouting/Guiding in the community, The Bharat Scouts and Guides has decided to invite nominations for MOP STAR Award in 3 (Three) Categories as mentioned hereunder:
- MOP Star Awards – For Young People (10 – 25 Years )
- MOP Star Inspirers Award – For Warranted Adult leaders above 25 years.
- MOP Star State Award – For State Associations of the BSG Know more...
Lakshmi Mazumdar Award is given to honour the Ex-National Commissioner Mrs. Lakshmi Mazumdar and to keep alive her contribution to the Movement.
To recognize the Outstanding Involvement in the Community for
- A Community Service or Community Development Project organized by the Registered Units of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in the locality.
- A long term or a short term Project.
- A small or a large Project within the country/State
Nomination to be sent on the prescribed format along with relevant supported documents by District Chief Commissioner through State Chief Commissioner
One Year (1 August to 31 July every year)
One entry from each section of both the wings separately i.e. Scout, Guide, Rover and Ranger
31 July at N.H.Q
Scout Troop, Guide Company, Rover Crew and Ranger Team
Log Book must be prepared and submitted to N.H.Q. by 30th Sept. Log Book must contain the detailed report of activities, participants list, activities photographs, news cutting if any, certificate of recognition of work if any.
By Committee of 5 Judges appointed by the Chief National Commissioner
On the recommendation of DCC through SCC, a panel of 5 judges at N.H.Q. will declare the name of Award Winning Units.
- A Certiicate will be presented to the winning Group/Unit from each section and a copy to be presented to the State Association in the National Council Meeting.
- Unit Leaders and participants of the winning units will get the certiicate signed by the Chief National Commissioner
- A Certiicate of recognition will be awarded to each group entry for the Lakshmi Mazumdar Award in tribute to the outstanding service.
Numerical Growth
As per approval of National Executive Committee on 15th September 2020, the Numerical Growth Award scheme was revised for the membership growth of Cub Bulbul, Scout Guide and Rovar Ranger and to recognize smaller and bigger states.
Chief National Commissioner Shield Competition
Chief National Commissioner Shield Competition is for all the state associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides for their achievement from 1 st September to 31 st August. The competition is for the both wing separately. The Shield was presented by the National Headquarters for each wing towards their achieving first three position (First, Second and Third). The awards presented in the National Council every year.
The achievement like Increase in Census, Adult Training, Advancement of Youth Programme, Community Based Competition, C. D. Project, Event conducted at State level, Participation in National level events, Participation in International level events, Special efforts for image and visibility, Fund raising, Other significant achievement, Development of Camping centers, Administration of Organization, Co-ordination with other Voluntary Organization, Special courses conducted in the state and Extension of Scouting and special branches.