Scouting/Guiding is an educational movement for and of young people based upon the Fundamentals of Scouting: its purpose, principles, and method. The cause of Scouting/Guiding is Education for Life where the Youth Programme is the main medium through which young people are educated for life. Hence the Youth Programme is the central element of Scouting, the vehicle through which the purpose of Scouting/Guiding is achieved. Without the Youth Programme, there is no Scouting/Guiding.

Definition of the Youth Programme in Scouting/Guiding

The Youth Programme is the totality of what young people do in Scouting/Guiding (the activities), how it is done (the Scout/Guide Method) and the reason why it is done (the purpose).

The Youth Programme in Scouting/Guiding is the totality of the learning opportunities from which young people can benefit (What), created to achieve the purpose of Scouting/Guiding (Why), and experienced through the Scout/Guide method (How).

What ?

Learning opportunities instances which young people have the potential gather and process knowledge to develop attitudes and skills that will help develop their individual character, The youth programme is therefore not about the activities per se, but rather about the learning opportunities that activities can offer within scouting/guiding fundamentals and shared values.

Why ?

The youth Programme acknowledges areas of personal growth stated in the purpose of the scout movement as physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development where all of these areas help the individual’s character development. Scouts/Guides as active citizens create a positive change in their communities. As a worldwide movement, Scouting/Guiding should prepare young people to be active citizens within their local communities and also to be active global citizens.

How ?

The Scout Method- the educational system of Scouting/Guiding- is often described as a system of progressive self-education. It consists of an interdependent group of elements forming a unified and integrated whole to achieve a purpose (team system, symbolic framework, personal progression, nature, adult support, learning by doing, and the scout law and promise).