Training of Adults
For general understanding in Scouting/Guiding, the word Training is related to the capacity building of the adult leaders, however, any training activity of youth is covered under youth programme.
The Adult Leaders Training is administred by the Scheme of Training and the courses basically divided in to three categories, Unit leaders Training, Training of Leaders of Adults and Traininng of Trainers. To suppliment the skills and knowledge of unit leaders, auxiliary courses are conducted by the Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Unit Leaders are the adults who directly deal with the management of the units of Cubs,Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers etc and help the young people in acquiring knowledge, skills and developing habits that forms and character for life. The Unit Leaders Training is in a three tier system named Basic Course, Advanced Course and Himalaya Wood Badge course. These courses are fully residential in nature and provide opportunity to practice the skills of scouting/ Guiding and developing leadership qualities and community living. presently all the ocurses are of 7 days duration.
To suppliment the knowledge and skills acquired by he unit leaders specialised course on various skills are also organised like Mapping, First-aid, star gazing, yoga, handicraft, signalling etc are to name a few.
The second category of the training programmes are to develop administrative and management skills among the Leaders of Adults such as Commissioners, Secrateries, Organisers of various levels etc and also Group leaders. The Courses for Commissioners are under two tier system i.e Basic and Aadvanced courses respectively. Secrateries, organisers, Group Leaders courses etc are organised for capacity building . We also organise Management Courses of various levels for advanced training of leaders of adults.
The third category of the training is Training of Trainers, the Trainining of Trainers is in 3 phases, Pre- ALt Course which is a selection course for prospective trainers. The trainers courses are callled Course for Assistant Leader Trainers and Course for Leader Trainers. In these course the management and adult teaching skills are shared with prospective trainers and the methodoly of planning of Unilt Leader Training for each section seperately is practiced through. Games, demonstrations, project presentations and practice sessions on creating Learning experiences for adult leaders and youth a like.
Recognitions The Courses for Trainers of Bharat Scouts and Guides accredited by the World Organisation of Scout Movement and are developed and presented based on the “Adult in Scouting Policy”- of WOSM.
Course participants are provided with certificate on successful completion of the ocurses. An Advanced trained Unit is eligible to wear “Gilwell Woggle” ( a cane Woggle) Himalaya Wood Badge Holders will be presented with two wooden beads and Parchment as recognition of their leader qualification and is be eligible to wear the Himalaya Wood Badge Scarf( which is designed by the association). The Assistant Leader Trainers and Leader Trainers receive a Honourable Charge and wooden beads of 3 and 4 respectively.
Every trainer is to submit a quadrinal report and undergo Re-Orientation course once in four years to renew the Honourable charge.
The Scheme of Training is updated as and when they need revison based on changing needs and aspiration of youth and society from the movement.