Project (Initiatives)
WOSM Initiative
What We Do
Scouting provides young people with opportunities to participate in programmes, events, activities and projects that contribute to their growth as active citizens. Through these initiatives, young people become agents of positive change who inspire others to take action.
WOSM Mission
"The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society."
WOSM Vision
"By 2023 Scouting will be the world’s leading educational youth movement, enabling 100 million young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities and in the world based on shared values."

Scouts for SDGs
57 million Scouts making the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the SDGs
Young people around the world are transforming their communities by taking action for peace and sustainability.

Scouts of the World Award
This programme helps participants understand and act on global issues, so that they may bring about social change at local or international level, in order to create a more open, just and peaceful society.

Earth Tribe
The Earth Tribe is a global community of young people who are passionate about the environment and actively engaged as global citizens to preserve and protect our planet.

Messengers of Peace
The Messengers of Peace (MoP) is an initiative to promote dialogue, peace and social entrepreneurship which impacts both at the local and national level.

With a similar vision to protect our World Heritage, WOSM and UNESCO collaborated and that gave birth to the World Scouting UNESCO World Heritage Recognition Programme (Patrimonito Scout Badge).

Scouts Go Solar
The programme focus on solar projects that are fun and engaging for scouts of all levels. Activities include basic solar energy principles, including solar torch, solar suitcase for camps and a solar campfire.

Dialogue for Peace
The programme is about how to instil dialogue in our hearts and minds as a value, rather than just a skill. It builds a foundation for dialogue in our Movement and strengthens the Scouting value system.

Plastic Tide Turners
The Plastic Tide Turners Challenge will help young people to understand the impact that humans have in the world when it comes to plastic use and consumption and how you can promote a clean, healthy planet that will contribute to a more sustainable world.

Champions for Nature
The Challenge encourages young people to discover more about nature, biodiversity, and sustainable lifestyles, enabling youth to take concrete actions for our planet. It also empowers young people to be active global citizens.
WAGGGS Initiative

The Bharat Scouts and Guides is set on a mission with WAGGGS to promote gender equality through enabling girls and young women to reach their fullest potential and be active members of society. For this phase the Bharat Scouts and Guides has also partnered with Generation Unlimited (YUWAAH) and UNICEF to make an impact. This WAGGGS programme focuses on three major E’s – Equity, Engagement and Empowerment where the Bharat Scouts and Guides are enrolling rangers in the guiding of 17 to 25 year-olds, engaging in meaningful decision making through U-Report and Generation Unlimited. This project will also be empowering Young girls and women via “My Rights and Me” Advocacy Seminar.
Generation Equality

The team convened by UN Women and co-chaired by Governments of Mexico and France in collaboration with Civil Society and Youth is ground breaking, integrational and multi-stakeholder global process which will launch concrete, ambitious, and transformative actions and commitments to accelerate the achievement of gender equality.
Many young girls and women from India are part of this global initiative working on various thematic committees –
- Feminist Action for Climate Justice
- Economic Justice and Rights
- Feminist Movements and Leadership
- Gender Based Violence
- Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality

The young members of Bharat Scouts and Guides will be going through an intense Advocacy Training and Develop a training process for their peers. Advocacy Champions are committed for climate change, gender quality, their involvement in this organization and their ability to lead, challenge and create a ripple effect in their communities.

Surf Smart Generation Digital 2.0 is a non – formal education curriculum to support young people to connect safely and positively online. It is a unique resource which will ensure a generation of young members safe and secure via having digital involvement. Participants will explore how they can use the internet as a member of Generation Digital; not only to communicate, learn and have fun but also to raise their voices as responsible citizens of the world.
BSG Projects
HP – World on Wheels Project

CSR project with HP – World on Wheel (HP-WoW) For the promotion of digital literacy among rural children M/s HP India Sales Pvt. Ltd. has provided a bus with mobile computer lab with 21 Computers having all modern facilities. UNO Minda and Spark Minda Group Co-sponsor the project. HP-World on Wheels bus inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Haryana on 08 March, 2020. Due to Covid pandemic the project was held-up for few periods and now it’s started with 76 students at Hasanpur district near Gurugram from 07.01.2021. The programme focusing on digital literacy of the youth, the women and the children of the Community.